The site in its current form is only asking questions about the medium of websites and servers.

I need to find how to link aesthetics with data in the medium of websites. im not talking about designing a pretty `<table>` -- thats a literal aestheticizing - making data visual, as far as being something that you see with your eyes. however 99.999% of data is never going to be physically seen in that same way - its just computers talking back and forth to eachother without any human input beyond the code thats executed. My thinking thus far as the creator of this website has been because I spend so much time looking at the code, thats how I interpret the site. Even right now as I write this a terminal open with this repo is open in the background. See?

However this obviously isnt gonna be apparent to anyone else, so this idea that this is built on code needs to be reminded to the audience constantly, or at least clearly upon initial viewing of the site.

  • This is another thing that needs to be kept in mind at all times - a site is similar to a sculpture in this regard -- the piece can be viewed from at all angles. Any page on this site can be linked to, and that page forms an understanding of the site in the audience member. Clicking around the site, then, is like walking around the sculpture.
I need to come up with answers to what a site is beyond the functional aspects of it. Any site is an art piece. A succesful site forms an idea in the viewers mind, making them accept the virtual as reality. In the case of an ecommerce website, we see the pixels on the screen that represent the shirt we're about to buy, and the "buy" button, for example. When used in tandem they create the idea of buying a shirt. But any web developer could create a page with an image and a buy button. Imagine a site with JUST those two things. And thinking that clicking on "buy" would get a shirt sent to your house. However it just takes technical illiteracy to get to this point. In this sense it isn't illiteracy, but rather a complete inability to attach different concepts/internal emotions to these virtual things that represent reality. But then by that same logic, having a differing set of cultural values/understanding, language, etc. Can completely change the way we interact with the virtual despite its underlying layer being "data" which is supposed to be logical - that is to be understood one way.

Maybe this project needs to target the idea around language around data.

Idk im tired im going to bed
By adlai
Uploaded on 2021-10-27 07:29:30